Friday, May 1, 2009

Visions: Neverending Dream

This latecomer to the lineup of Cascada music which speaks into the story, this song describes how Haifun feels at the beginning of the テ (te) chapter. In several of Cascada's songs, the word "fight" seems to refer to the battle against physical desires in a romantic relationship. I believe that is the case here:


I'm waiting for the night, drifting away
on the waves on my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubts

I'm hunting all the night a slave to my dream
An illustrated scene descends in the steam
We're playing for the fight's emotional game
I'm turning off my eyes and hiding my shame

A neverending dream, a dream of you
I believe I received a sign of you
Tonight I want to hide my feelings too
As you do when I want to be with you

A neverending dream, a dream of you
I believe I received a sign of you
Tonight I want to hide my feelings too
As you do when I want to be with you


(I'm waiting for the night, drifting away
on the waves on my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubts) (spoken style)

I'm watching all the flowers dying away
In heated breath of life at the dawning day
I'm waking up in spring and kissing your face
A sweet and burning thing I feel your embrace

A neverending dream...

A neverending dream, a dream of you
I believe I received a sign of you
Tonight I want to hide my feelings too
As you do when I want to be with you

A neverending dream, a dream of you
I believe I received a sign of you
Tonight I want to hide my feelings too
As you do when I want to be with you

I can't really go into detail on the テ chapter, since it is actually pretty sensitive to the story, probably the steamiest chapter in the whole story, and almost certainly will be pretty controversial. As far as I know, I don't know of any with it's basic premise: our Featherwing Lovers are desperately trying to keep their hands off each other because they are experiencing "monster love", and see it for what it is: a dangerous threat to their real love. For a more commonly seen example: almost always, adultery is the result of the monster love for a mistress or bad boy overcoming the real love for a spouse.

Kids, the best way to avoid ever developing love monsters is to stay away from physical love entirely, until you are married. Don't imagine yourself getting involved in physical love at all until you are engaged. Love monsters can also develop after you are married. You have both a responsibility to yourself to keep love monsters from interfering with the precious relationship you have with your spouse, and to look after your spouse so that he or she has little temptation to look outside your relationship for satisfaction. No matter what age you are, talk to your parents, fiancee, or spouse about these things. It is hard to say when it is too early, but with a 50% divorce rate (remember, that means that 50% of children get to experience their families falling apart, I'm one of them), it is very, very easy to see when it is too late.

Incidentally, Juubi's proposal is in the テ chapter :)

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